What happened in 1954
Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands
What happened in 1954
Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands Placeholder text about Trinity Lands
The Daily Charitable Trust
Creating and delivering nutritious lunches to Te Puke school students and children in unfunded schools
Tīrau Emergency Centre
An emergency vehicle operates in Tīrau with help from Trinity Lands, serving the surrounding community with everything from fires to crashes to drownings.
New vehicle for Maketu Medical Response
Maketu medical response vehicle
St John
Te Puke's new state-of-the-art ambulance
Large donation puts South Waikato Menzshed back on track following tool theft
Ian Elliot Memorial Scholarship
2020 winner, Victoria Traynor
Pōkaiwhenua planting
Supporting the environmental health of the Pōkaiwhenua stream
Good Neighbour & St John
Local farmers donate $235,000 to celebrate 65 years of farming for good